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The Liberian Culture Ambassador, Queen Juli Endee has provided clarity on Female Genital Mutilation ban (FGM), says the banned does not affect the sande practice but but stop the genitals mutilation aspect of the traditional schools.
Speaking to group of Journalists at the UNWomen Gender Sensitive Reporting on Female Genital Mutilation journalists training during the week in Monrovia, she said Montserrado County and Grand Cape Mount have finally banned the FGM to be followed by other counties after their successfully performance of the ritual sacrifices.
“We have 11 Counties that are practicing the FGM, for Montserrado and Cape Mount, we have done our traditional rituals sacrifices with our ancestors which allowed us to come to such decisions”, Juli Endee disclosed.
Juli noted that Sande school is one of the oldest traditional institutions across the World but the lack of education has made many people to explain things contrary.
“We have three kinds of Sande Societies, the Mua sande is practiced by Muslim, Zoebar sande is practice by the mask and Kpowah sande is a practice involving initiation without mutilation”, she stated.
According to her, they are banning the Mua, and Zoebar but will continue the practice of Kpowah to teach their inheritance their culture as it’s meant to educate patriotism, skills, royalty among others so as they can’t lose the culture.
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