MOVEE Criticizes Orator’s Remarks

 During Liberia’s Independence Anniversary


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ADNews-Monrovia: The opposition political party,  “Movement for Economic Empowerment” (MOVEE)  describes the accusation level against the government and the people of the United States of America by the 177th  Liberia’s  Independence Anniversary Orator, Dr. Robtel  NeaJai Pailey as heartless and ungrateful.

Serving as an Orator for 177th  Liberia’s Independence anniversary, madam Robtel said,  “I remain very concerned about the outsized influence of the United States in our transitional justice process. We must forge new strategic partnerships based on mutual benefit and disabuse ourselves of the notion that we have a ‘special relationship’ with America. Truth be told, this so-called ‘special relationship’ only exists in our imagination. Lest we forget, the United States was one of the last countries to recognize our independence. Lest we forget, the United States has taken more from us than it has given. Lest we forget, the United States will always serve its own interests above all else. Once we accept these truths, we will appreciate that a re-imagined Liberia can never be anyone’s stepchild.”

Speaking with journalists during the media conference on Monday, July 29, 2024, held at their  National  Headquarters in Paynesville outside Monrovia, the party’s acting chairperson, Mr.  Prince Mehn said that considering the numerous contributions made by the U.S  which has positively affected both public and private sectors across the country, the  Orator was toxic and undeserved.

“Liberian and International partners expected a modest message that would foster peace and unity, provide hope for citizens, and urge the government to fulfill its campaign pledges rather than expressing absolute ingratitude towards Liberia’s most reliable, steady, and responsive traditional Ally,”  Chairman narrated.

MOVEE thinks that the Boakai-Koung administration is proceeding wrongly, saying they wholeheartedly support the press statement issued by the  Coalition for Democratic Change under the signature of its National Chairman. Atty. Janga Kowo condemned what they termed as Orator’s attack against the people of America.

At the same time,  the party urgently calls upon the government to abandon divisions among Liberians who are serving in the foreign mission and prioritize the welfare and progress of the Liberian populace as It cautions that the patience of the people is wearing thin.

The Movement for Economic Empowerment vehemently denounces the Executive Mansion’s efforts to humiliate qualified Liberian Foreign Service officers assigned to various Liberia Embassies across the globe.

“MOVEE has conducted an independent investigation and established that the Foreign Service officers were trained vetted appointed & commissioned by the legitimate government during the regime of Former President Weah

“This maneuver by the Boakar-Koung administration constitutes a blatant assault on democracy and the fundamental rights of qualified and competent Liberian citizens from Serving their country,” said the acting  Chairman on behalf of the party.



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