Best Choice for LDEA Director Position 

Hon. Solomon Cheapoo Sr., Former Independent Candidate for Representative in District 13th, Montserrado County, who is well recognized for his integrity & services provided to the United States Government and other NATO Partners in Europe, remains the best option for appointment as the LDEA Director. 

He was responsible for crisis management and poll watchers security for the Unity Party in District 13, Montserrado County  during the second round of the Presidential Elections.

Cheapoo holds 3 Masters; Master of Public Administration, Master of Science in Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement, Master of Arts in Emergency Management/Homeland Security and a Bachelor in Public Administration/Political Science. 

Cheapoo comes from a principle minded family. He is the son of the late Former Chief Justice, Chea Cheapoo Sr. His single stance against the past administration for corruption, nepotism, drug trafficking, crime, bad governance, etc., is worth commending. 

He  has been a strong advocate in the fight against illicit drugs in recent times. He spoke truth to power during the administration of Former President Weah when he did a tour in District 13, Montserrado County. 

Cheapoo also holds a Good Conduct Medal from the United States Government where he served as a Sergeant and Education Guidance Counselor in the US Military and Justice Department respectively.

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