Weah Boosts  Feminism 


2 Mins Read

By Joseph Tumbey

President  Weah  declared the Month of March as a “Women’s Month”  in celebrating  the international Women’s day and called on  the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, to  secure  US$44.6M through the World Bank for the Liberia Women Empowerment Project.

Celebrating the International  Women  day  on Friday March 3, this year at the Ellen Johnson Sheriff  Ministerial Complex, under  their annual  global theme “DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender  Equality”  with their national theme: ” Innovation with Technology to Promote Gender Equality” , thev Liberian leader  said his government has already made an underscored achievements  in bridging the digital gender gap on widening economic and social inequalities.

“We will enhance our strategic partnerships with the private sector, with support from all stakeholders and donors, including the United Nations, European Union, World Bank, and Sweden, to ensure that the needed financial resources are available to support this objective,” President  Weah asserted. 

He calls on all  Women who will be going  to the pool to support  their Fellow  Women and give them victory  in order to increase  Women participation in the body politic.

The  Weah  assured women that his Government would continue to work closely with all partners and stakeholders in ensuring that women are empowered, by Innovating with Technology to Promote Gender Equality.

“As a government, we are now using the technology of mobile money to make electronic payments of Daily Subsistence Allowances,” the Chief Executive continued. “The Liberia Social Safety Nets Programs also utilize the mobile money platform to ensure that vulnerable households, particularly female-headed households, receive cash grant payments.”

He said, his  government is also leveraging digital inclusion for the economic empowerment of rural women entrepreneurs and smallholders by giving them improved access to markets, as well as training and other commercial opportunities, through the use of digital platforms

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