Unprecedented arrest order against  Magibi Authorities. 


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Jerry Varney

The Magistrate Court in Salala district, Upper Margibi County has issued a writ of arrest on Jerry Varney Superintendent of Margibi County, and  several others for an alleged charge of felonious restraint.

The Associate Magistrate of the court, Aaron Y. Fallah’s order of arrest also includes Weala Township Commissioner, Roland S. Johnson, Cinta Clan Chief, Musu N. Yango, Andrew N. Yancy, and Alvin Konneh all charged with criminal conspiracy, impersonating officials, and criminal trespass.

Cinta Clan Chief, Musu N. Yango is said to be the only defendant that has been arrested and forwarded to Court pending trial. 

Superintendent Varney and his companions were charged by authorities of the Liberian National Police (LNP) based on a complaint filed by a British Businessman  only identified as Hans Armstrong.

However, Defendants: Varney, Commissioner Johnson, Andrew N. Yango, and Alvin Konneh are expected to appear in the Magisterial Court in Margibi County on Friday, January 13, 2023.

The police charge sheet claimed that Commissioner Johnson criminally conspired with defendants Jerry Varney, Superintendent of Margibi County, Clan Chief Musu N. Yango  by instructing defendants Andrew N. Yancy and Alvin Konneh Freeman to criminally trespass the private premises of Mr. Armstrong in the County.

The Court document revealed that defendants Freeman and Yancy purported to be inspectors from the Ministry of Mines and Energy sent to inspect the earth-moving equipment belonging to the British Businessman without his consent.

However, Superintendent Varney, Clan Chief Musu N. Yango, and Alvin Konneh Freeman failed to make known their presence at the investigation, after receiving a formal invitation regarding the law firm allegation.

“In view of the foregoing facts and circumstances couple with the voluntary statements obtained, witnesses testimonies, and background inquiry, the investigation resolved to charge defendants Johnson, Varney, and Musu N Yango with crimes of criminal conspiracy and felonious restraint in violation of chapter 10 and 14, section 10.4 and 14.51 respectively of the panel law of Liberia” the court records alleged.

Also,  the documents claimed that defendants Andrew N Yancy and Alvin Konneh Freeman were charged with the commission of the crimes of criminal conspiracy, impersonating officials, and criminal trespass, which violates Chapters 10,12 and 15, sections 10.4, 12.35, and 15.21 respectively of the panel law of Liberia.

Source: Africa24 Online TV News 

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