By Joseph Tumbey
Citizens across the Country have raised serious alarm over the increment of the Country staple food “rice ” from USD 13.5 to USD 17.5 for the 25kg bag for the first time in history.
Several have termed the process as an unbearable threat that could destabilize the country’s fragile peace based on the current economic crisis that is already affecting the Nation’s.
Mr. Mieky Toe a Liberian petit trader who sells used shoes at the Vamoco Market in Vaitown said, things are difficult and more Liberians couldn’t even afford to purchase their staple food while it was US$13.5 what more to US$17.5 for 25kg?
“Just imaging, to even afford the first price was difficult. What about their new price?
The increment of the rice price will seriously affect the CDC re-election as the Liberians don’t joke with the only stable food they live on”, Mieky asserted.
He’s however recommending to the George Weah led administration to work hard to bring the rice back to its normal price and make it available as usual.
Also, Mr. Donso B. Sirleaf has taken to Facebook social media and terms the situation as complete embarrassment to the poor masses that could undermine President Weah re-election.
“Complete none-sense even though Liberia has a perennial problem with food insecurity. But this government has not brought any relief to the Liberian people especially with the issue of late with the none availability of our staple (Rice) on the Liberian market. Information posted by the Ministry of Commerce. Buying rice wholesale at the price of 17USD and retail for 17.50 USD without considering the transportation cost for retailers in Gbapolu, Cape Mount, Bomi and other Counties and here you are bringing a task force to regulate the price of rice on the Liberian market. Here is my question . Is this task force going to cover all of the 15 Counties or it’s only on the basis of Montserrado”? Donso stated on his Facebook page.
Few hours after the government through the Commerce Ministry released the official price of the rice, the Grand Bassa County Senator, Nyomblee Karnga Lawrence said:
“The Ministry of Commerce received over eleven million United States dollars ($11,000,000usd) to subsidize rice.
Without presenting any proposal to the legislature, the budget was passed, approving the amount.
The commerce ministry made payments to three rice importers with no agreements, no documents to show how much each of the three importers received, how would these transactions benefit the Country, and for how long.
Today, less than one month after the $11million was spent. We see a release from the Ministry of Commerce quoting the wholesale and retail prices of rice at $17.00 and $17.50 usd.
How did we benefit from the subsidy to keep the price of rice at $13.50 and $14.00, wholesale and retail and have never been able to keep it under $17.50 since the money was paid.
The legislature has not cooperated with our disagreements as usual, but these are some of the reasons why we refused to vote for the passage of the Recast Budget.
The credibility of the Commerce minister is being questioned, and we will demand an audit for the record and future actions”.
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