I was a candidate in the 2017 and 2023 Elections for Representative in Electoral District Number Two Montserrado County.
In 2017, I did not win. I came third on the list.
In 2023 I had the highest number of votes in the representative election. Unfortunately, the National Elections Commission (NEC) of Liberia did not declare me winner.
My campaign was also an experiment. I have been wondering why stories of ritualistic killings are connected to elections in Liberia. This experiment ended well.
I could have brought the findings of my experiment to the public as far back as October 2023. I did not because the National Elections Commission of Liberia was refusing to announce me as winner. I reported the National Elections Commission of Liberia to the Supreme Court of Liberia. The Supreme Court of Liberia said that the National Elections Commission of Liberia was right for not announcing me winner. The Supreme Court of Liberia also said that the National Elections Commission of Liberia had integrity.
Because of these kind of strange decisions by our state institutions, I thought I should not make known my findings.
Due to a survey, a change of mind has taken place. Knowledge that I won the election is everywhere among the People of Electoral District Number Two Montserrado County. For this reason, though the National Elections Commission of Liberia did not announce and certificate me as winner, I think I should not continue to hide the findings of my research. I should make known what I have discovered.
I have discovered that the socalled belief that ritualistic killings of human beings can make a candidate have the highest number of votes in an election is not true. There is nothing true about this kind of belief. It is a superstition that should not have a place to rest briefly among enlightened Liberians.
I ran my campaign. I did not come close to thinking about sacrificing a human being; yet, I had the highest number of votes in the Election for representative in Electoral District Number Two Montserrado County.
I don’t depend on the National Elections Commission of Liberia to tell me that I had the highest number of votes in the Election for Representative in Electoral District Number Two Montserrado County. I can recognize numbers. I can add numbers.
The tally sheets testified that I had the highest number of votes. The People of Electoral District Number Two Montserrado County believe, without a single doubt, that I am the one they voted for. I had the highest number of votes at the end of the Election for Representative in Electoral District Number Two Montserrado County.
I did not get involved in even thinking or talking about ritualistic killings of a human being, yet, I had the highest number of votes. How come? This is a strong disproof of the superstition that a candidate must get involved in ritualistic killings in order to have the highest number of votes in an election.
I have been doubting this kind of superstitious belief. But I couldn’t figure out how to challenge it. There was no other way for me to challenge this superstitious belief, except by getting into the race for a seat in the House of Representatives. At the end of the election process, in which I was a candidate in 2023, I have concluded that if there are ritualistic killings, they are for something else. I don’t believe that ritualistic killings can make anyone obtain the highest number of votes in an election. If it were true that ritualistic killings make people to vote for a candidate, then I should not have had the highest number of votes in Electoral District Number Two Montserrado County at the end of the Election for Representative.
Because it is a lie that ritualistic killings can help anyone who is running for an elective position to have the highest number of votes, I trust my methodology – the method that made me a formidable candidate in the 2023 Representative Election in Electoral District Number Two Montserrado County. Anyone aspiring for an elective position can use this method and obtain the highest number of votes at the end of the election.
When I say that an aspirant who adopts my campaign methodology will have the highest number of votes, I am not saying that the National Elections Commission of Liberia will announce that candidate as winner. I am only saying that anyone who adopts my campaign methodology will have the highest number of votes at the end of the election. The election commission may decide not to announce that candidate who has the highest number votes as winner. But that the votes of that candidate will be the highest number of votes at the end of the election is indisputable.
My advice to everyone who wants to run for an elective office in any election in Liberia is to first look for money and use the money to do some simple things.Carry on some little
development works in the communities of the constituency in which you want to run.
For example, build a wooden bridge over a swamp that separates communities. When you connect these communities with this wooden bridge, you have directly planted your name in two communities. The people who use this wooden bridge will tell people that you brought this kind of relief to them. If you can build a concrete bridge to connect communities, do it. It will make the people to love that candidate. The candidate will be proud of his or her votes in that area when the election takes place. I don’t think ritualistic killings will make people to love a candidate. Maybe ritualistic killings will make people fear that candidate.
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Construct a little quick impact market building for the marketers that sell in makeshift tents. This little market building may look insignificant, but it will sell the candidate to the people. Most of those who sell in this market building will show gratitude to the candidate on election day. In fact, some of the marketers will get attached to the candidate and regard that candidate as a father, a mother, a brother or a sister. They will talk to potential voters to register to vote for that candidate. Can ritualistic killings help a candidate in this way? I doubt it.
Rehabilitation of community roads is helpful. When a portion of a piece of road is making it difficult for the people to get in or out of their community, if the candidate has some money, he or she should intervene by rehabilitating the road. The people of the community will show gratitude to the candidate. They will not forget the candidate. They will campaign for that candidate and help that candidate get undecided voters on his or her side. I don’t know whether ritualistic killings can give this kind of help to a candidate?
Give micro loans. If it is possible, the candidate should loan money to people in the district to do petite business. This little money will empower the beneficiaries economically. It will put beneficiaries to work. Rather than the beneficiaries going from place to place to ask for handouts from this relative to that relative, this person to that person, because the candidate has empowered them economically, they will start to do some small business. Some of these beneficiaries will manage their small business so well that their business will grow and begin to help them. My dear, such people, if they are people of goodwill, will never forget that candidate. They will always be grateful to that candidate. They will not only decide to vote for that candidate, they will campaign for the candidate. Can ritualistic killings do this for a candidate? I doubt it.
Some students are unable to go to school due to financial constraints. Helping such students can enhance a candidate’s chances of getting the highest number of votes in an election. So candidates should get involved in giving scholarships. If an aspirant wants the people to vote for him or her, if that candidate has some money to offer scholarships to a few students, I strongly advise that candidate do it. Some of these students who will go to school as a result of the candidate’s kindness will reap the reward of their kindness. The students’ parents, their brothers and sisters, their relatives and friends, people in their neighborhoods and all who are connected to them will support that candidate’s candidacy. I doubt whether ritualistic killings can do this for a candidate?
Give or send small money to those who are bereaved. “Mourn with those who mourn,” so says the Holy Apostle St. Paul (Romans 22:25b). The mourners will remember that you came to them when they were “on the mat.” They will not forget that you came to them when they needed consolation. They will believe that you will be with them in the future. So they will support you. I don’t know whether a candidate who is involved in ritualistic killings will feel comfortable going to sympathize with bereaved families.
St. Paul also says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice,” (Romans 12:15a). Know that people who are having some celebrations and invite you, already value you. Don’t let them down. So practice to attend weddings programs, graduation programs, anniversary celebrations, etc. Imagine how your presence brings honor to the person or people who invited you! You make those who invite you proud when you attend their programs. It hurts when they invite you a “big man” or a “big woman” and you don’t show up, or send a proxy. You break them down if you are the guest of honor, and you didn’t show up at the program.
Your absence destroyed their celebration. They will harbor that grudge and express their disappointment in you in the voting booth. They may not forgive you unless you do something extraordinary before election day to flush out the bad feelings they have for you.
Those who and you are in the race for the position are not your enemies. They are your opponents. They want to win just as you want to win. Don’t be disrespectful to them. Their disciples will not like it.
Once you are appealing to the people to vote for you, avoid going after other candidates’ reputations too much. If you make this kind of mistake, emphasizing the bad name of a fellow candidate, the people, your audience, will stop taking you serious. Yes, you can say something about your opponents’ reputations, but too much of talking about your opponents’ reputations will lead to you unintentionally campaigning for your opponents.
Rather than going after someone’s reputation, if you have the money, feed the hungry. Provide safe drinking water for the people. Help the very poor ones who are sick to go to the hospital or clinic. These and other kinds of good works will turn the minds of the people in your direction. I doubt whether ritualistic killings can do this for a candidate?
Poverty is also a problem here. Poverty is very cheap in Liberia. Besides having children, a lot of Liberians have poverty as their only personal possessions.
Majority of the electorates need something. They will do nothing with another candidate’s bad reputation. Moreover, if that candidate whose good name you destroyed gives a few bags of rice to the electorates, this group of electorates are finished with you.
Be scientific minded! Don’t live a superstitious life. Ask questions. Search for answers in books or online. Work hard. You will reap what you sow. Don’t waste your time believing in juju.
Before the Supreme Court said to me that if a recount were done I would not win, people came to me and said that juju was made by someone for the Supreme Court to throw my case out as not worthy of consideration. The Supreme Court did exactly that. Should I say that things happened like this because of juju? No!
Like the Board of Commissioners of the National Elections Commission, the Supreme Court of Liberia also said that I had no evidence. I didn’t have the original copies of the tally sheets. After the Supreme Court said this, which I consider a contradiction of the Supreme Court of Liberia by the Supreme Court of Liberia, people came to me again and said that powerful juju worked against me at the National Elections Commission of Liberia and the Supreme Court of Liberia. It was said that cows were ritually killed every now and then, so that NEC or the Supreme Court would not take my complaint serious.
What should I say to these people? My response was and is simple. The slaughtering of cows, sheep or goats may be true. But what has that got to do with a case that is in the Supreme Court, where laws are supposed to be followed?
My problem at the National Elections Commission of Liberia, and the Supreme Court of Liberia, was lack of money to throw around. If I had the money you would easily believe that there is no place for the superstitious beliefs that are victimizing some people.
When I was at NEC and at the Supreme Court at another time, in addition to my lack of money, I observed something else. When those who should tell people that they are right or wrong are weak, it makes killings cows, or sheep or goats look meaningful. When justice ceases to be a commodity, killing cows, goats and sheep will be used to celebrate feasts. No one will think that killing a cow, or a sheep or a goat can make one guilty or not guilty in a court.
I don’t think ritualistic killings can make a candidate have the highest number of votes in an election. Money and good relationships with the electorate, and an honest election commission are necessary. These can make anyone who has the highest number of votes be declared winner of an election. Juju or ritualistic killings cannot do it.
Notwithstanding, trucking and having contacts at the elections commission may interfere with my methodology. So while I strongly advise anyone who is seeking an elective office to do a couple of development works in communities, I also want all to beware that it is said that other candidates prefer saving their money to “befriend” those who work at the National Elections Commission of Liberia.
The morality of giving money to staff of the National Elections Commission is not ideal. I have no proof that it happens. It is not a part of my methodology. I don’t recommend buying election victories from the shops of the National Elections Commission if it is happening.
My advice is that thinking about sacrificing a human being cannot make anyone have the highest number of votes in an election.
If you want to have the highest number of votes in an election, find money. Use the money to work with the electorates. Your votes will be the highest on election day.
I have come to realize that in Liberia, having the highest number of votes in an election does not necessarily mean that the election commission will announce you as winner of the election. Having the highest number of votes in an election and being declared winner by the election commission are two different things. In the past I thought they were not different. Is it because of juju? I doubt it. Is it because of ritualistic killings? I doubt it.
I have experimented that a political aspirant can get the votes of the people without wasting time at shrines. People need to free themselves from that kind of thinking.
When Dr. Edward Beyan Kesselly delivered the 125th Independence Day Oration at Saniquillie City, Nimba County on July 26, 1972, he said among other things, “We must make every effort to liberate ourselves from the shackles of superstition and jujuism…” It was 52 years ago that Dr. Kesselly appealed to us to learn to live scientific and philosophic lives.
Mutilated bodies should not be found anywhere in Liberia again. It is a sign that some Liberians are still victims and slaves of superstition. Ritualistic killings should be history in Liberia.
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