Revenge Match 


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UL Students To have   Dinner With   Gray

Students of the state run Institution, ” the University of Liberia (UL)”,   vowed to have dinner   with the defeated Montserrado county District #8 lawmaker, Acarous Moses Gray   of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) who  once upon the time led a group of thugs and pandits on the campus under the auspices of having  breakfast  with them, which resulted in a chaotic scene, leaving many others terribly injured. 

“The Vanguard Students  Unification Party (SUP) don’t  forgive,  we settle scores. We’re not going to have lunch  with Moses Acarous Gray  but we will be having dinner with him,” UL students disclosed over the weekend during their press conference. 

Early Monday afternoon  on March 13, 2023,  Gray led several of his supporters including some disadvantaged youths (Zogos) in what he characterized as having lunch  with the University  students, “the Students Unification Party (SUP)” after  several public officials were  reportedly denied from entering the campus,  based on  their  alleged corrupt actions and misuse of power. 

Approaching  them on that day,  Gray’s  followers    engaged in a serious rock riot with Supists, but Gray used a maximum force to overcome the students,  leaving several of them terribly injured while others managed to escape the campus   before  the arrival of Rep. Yekeh Kolubah of Montserrado District #10 who went to rescue them. 

Some of Gray supporters were  spotted smoking   Marijuana  on the UL Campus,  claiming to be in full control of the facility  to protect  Rep. Gray  present.

Upon  the arrival of the controversial Montserrado district #10 Lawmaker , Yekeh  Kolubah,  Gray escaped the facility  as a man believed  to be his supporter  only identified as Ansu Sirleaf was  captured and manhandled.

Following Gray’s action,  the University authority had to suspend activities  for  indefinite time  in order to provide a conducive atmosphere for the students. 

This and many other factors  contributed  to Gray losing  his elected position in the  just ended 2023 representative and presidential elections as a lawmaker of Montserrado  District #8 after serving for 12 years.

Gray and  Weah’s defeat as representative and president respectively  has put UL students at advantage to go after Gray for the chaotic  scene he caused on the campus  on that day,early this year.

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