2 Mins Read
By Joseph Tumbey

The provisional result in the autopsy conducted on the remains of Charloe Musu by the Chief pathology of Liberia,Dr. Benedict B. Kolee shows that she died by exsanguination from severed left 6th intercostal artery and massive left Hemothorax with associated collapse of the left lung.
The Chief pathology of Liberia,DrBenedict B. Kolee through the government Conducts an autopsy (examination) on the remains of Charloe Musu who died mysteriously during an alleged assassination attack at the Brewerville residence.
The process took place on Tuesday March 21, 2023 at the St. Moses Funeral Parlours along the Japan Freeway in Monrovia.
The process was witnessed by Family members , Civil Society, Liberia National Police, Media with Montserrado County Coroner from the Justice Ministry, Mr. Abraham B. Ricks.
Before commencing the process that allowed the public to view the physical appearance of Charloe remains, The Chief pathology of Liberia, Dr Benedict B. Kolee stated that the aim of the process was to establish the exact and scientific cause of Charloe Moses death.
According to him, the information gathered can be subjected to any process of the same kind in the world and arrive at the same conclusion
Meanwhile, the Chief Executive Officer of Justice Forum Liberia, Mr. Maxon S. Kpakio noted that the AUTOPSY report will help to establish the real cause of Musu’s death.

” When the issue came up there was a lot of contention from all around, and now the only way to proof or disprove is to go through this process we hoping that it will be conducted fairly in the present of the Family and Independent observers”, Mr. Kpakio asserted.
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