“Prostituted  Media”


Rodney Sieh

By Joseph Tumbey 

Veteran Liberia Journalist, Rodney Sieh has characterized the Liberia media of being more prostitutional than ethical. 

Speaking with a group of journalists at the  Center for Media Studies & Peace Building ( CEMESP),    a journalism  training  workshop  on using the Freedom of Information (FOI)  Law to enhance    Access  To Information (ATI)  on local government issues and expenditures, he noted that the profession has become prostituted as a new generation of Journalists are recruited  by who knows who, causing serious  ethical and  media laws abuse.

“Journalists  these days  openly support politicians and their institutions  both on the platforms and social  media  pages.

“Some Journalists dress  indecently, if you see them they look like ordinary street passersby,” Rodney  disclosed. 

Meanwhile,  Sieh stated that many people have become  journalists through the use of Facebook social media Application.

However, he encourages  media practitioners  to maintain  their  standard operating procedures (SOP) at all times to protect the image of the Liberian media.

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