Previous Report on Charloe Musu   Death  Takes a Dramatic Trend 


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Defense Pathologist in the Charloe Musu  Murder case has said that a Male DNA was found in the middle left hand fingernail of the deceased Charloe Musu.

Dr. Matthias I. Okoye of the Nebraska Institute of Institute of Forensic Sciences, Lincoln USA, a Forensic Pathologist, Scientist Pathologist, Clinical Pathologist and an Attorney on the witness stand Tuesday said the following:

✓ the victim, Charloe Musu died of blunt force trauma as a result of multiple stabbing wounds

✓ The stabbings were caused by an instrument which is not a knife

✓ The stabbings were caused / done by a muscular male

✓ That none of the defendants have the capacity to cause these wounds

✓ That there was a foreign DNA of a male found in the middle fingernail of the left hand of the victim

✓ That all DNA profiles from the victim exclude all the defendants etc

Dr. Okoye is a member of the American Board of Medicine and has conducted over twenty thousand autopsies in the USA and Africa including 4 in Liberia (Angel Togba).

Dr. Okoye who is also a Lawyer has practiced and taught Medicine for over 42 years.

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