Political Parties Reject Census Results 


By Joseph Tumbey 

ADNews- Monrovia: Six major opposition political parties including:Unity Party UP, Liberty Party LP,  Movement  for Democracy and Reconstruction MDR, Movement for Progressive Change  MPC, Rainbow Alliance, and Liberian People  Party LPP have rejected  the 2022 National  census  result,  called on the Legislature, development partners and Elections Commission to avoid using the result  for elections or any other purpose.

In  their  joint press  conference  held at the opposition Unity Party  headquarters  in Monrovia  followed by their  Resolution to petition   the House   of Legislature  at the Capitol Hill  on  Thursday  March 10, 2023. The six opposition  Parties through the Unity Party Chairman  indicated  that the processes that led to the conduct of the 2022 census in Liberia were a flop, judging by the available facts. 

Reading  their resolution on behalf of the parties, the Unity Party Chairman Rev. Ruther  Tarpeh stated that even as the government announced what it calls preliminary results, various homes and communities in the metropolitan areas of the country as well as in some rural parts of the country were not counted.

“The exercise was marred not only by technical irregularities but also corruption, negligence and lack of leadership.

The Preliminary Census Report

Considering the actions and inactions that attended the Census, we can conclude that the preliminary report issued by LISGIS is a reflection of the grand corruption with which characterized it”,  their  resolution  read by the opposition  Unity  Chairman  unveiled. 

Also, their  resolution statement  indicated that what is  being paraded by few people at LISGIS, and supported by their  benefactors is nothing more than a conspiracy hatched against the will of the Liberian people and they have unmasked  the ply long since before  the government embarked on it.

“Few months ago, we announced to the Liberian people that the CDC government was hatching a devilish plan to tamper with the report.

The veil on that plan has been removed and every Liberian can now see for themselves, through these “cooked numbers” coming out of LISGIS as representation of the population”, Chairman  Tarpeh noted.

Speaking  on behalf  of the House of the Senate,  the Sinoe County  Senator  J. Milton Teahjay assures  them seeking   amicable  solutions  to the quest.

“We are here because of you, and this is the best way forward to find answers to our problems by  logical  engagement. I will take your resolution to  the  House  authority  ,look into it and get back to you as soon as possible”, Senator  Teahjay assured them.

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