POLITICAL INCARCERATION AT CARI;Director arrested and charged with multiple offenses

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Dr. Nykoi D. Jomah

The Director for Livestock , Agriculture  and Fisheries program  at the Central  Agriculture  Research  Institute CARI in  Bong  County,  Dr. Nykoi D. Jomah  is  reportedly arrested  and charged    with: Menacing, Terroristic threats  and Disorderly Conduct, but  terms  his arrest as Political  witch hunt by the sanction  and Suspended  Minister of state  Nathaniel McGill.

Jomah who was arrested  on Tuesday  August  30, 2022 by the Gbanga  Magisterial Court  said, his entire  political  witch hunt  started back in 2019   when Borlaug Higher Education for Agriculture Research and Development  BHEARD from  Michigan  State  University  seized  $500,000.00 US funds  meant  for the Institution. 

Speaking  via phone New Democrat Newspaper day after his arrest on early  Wednesday  morning   from Bong  County,  Dr. Jomah  confirmed writing a Communication  to BHEARD informing  them to conduct  a proper assessment  before sending  in the funds in order  to avoid  its misapplication  and Confirmed  sharing  the information  with Prophet Key platform.

“McGill  was so angry because  BHEARD held back  the funds  which  the plan to steal  which  I Prevented   to avoid the bad Image of CARI and McGill  is currently in Bong County.

Since the President of Liberia appointed  Dr.  Victor Sumo as Director  General/ Officer in Charge  OIC  late 2021 following  the resignation  of the former  OIC  Paulette Findley  due to series of protests,  the sanction and suspended Minister of State for Presidential Affairs  Nathaniel McGill  has been fighting to root  me out of CARI  for preventing  them to steal  the donor  money”, Dr. Jomah asserted. 

Meanwhile,  Jomah claims, the Institution has held on his salary  for 35 months  and his monthly  salary  in  USD is  2,750 monthly in the total  of $75,000 plus with three Millions  Liberia  Dollars for his Communication  written  to BHEARD in 2019.

However, CARI Director  General  Dr.  Victor  Sumo confirmed  seeking means  to have Jomah removed  from CARI as his  ultimate goal. 

Speaking  to New Democrat Newspaper  via phone from CARI, Bong County early  Wednesday  morning, DG Sumo said ,  Dr. Jomah is not an employee  of CARI but occupying  the Institution properties  illegally  which  include  his home and office.

According  to him, he started the negotiation to have Jomah evacuated  since he resumed  the office  but  refused  to compromise. 

“I issued a law sue in the court  since  the beginning  of August  this year when I realized  that he was  taking cutlasses  at his home  for self defense  and I  was informed by some of my staffs that he has gun to kill me even though  I didn’t  see him with gun;, the Central  Agriculture  Research Institute  Director  General  Dr. Victor  Sumo stated  on the phone from Bong County.

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