Over 100  Train in Anti- Electoral Violence


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Ahead of the pending October 10 general and presidential election, the African Platform for Human Rights and Governance (APHURG) has trained over one-hundred Liberians in anti-violence activities.

Giving an overview of their activity, the Executive Director of APHURG, Atty. Bowoulo T. Kelley said the training will help identify causes of violence before, during, and after the elections, and will equip  Communities with the necessary tools to prevent or minimize the occurrences and effects of electoral violence

“Being cognizant of the fact that violence leads to a breakdown in the democratic space, and the violation of the citizens fundamental

 rights to vote or be voted for,  APHURG believes that some interventions are needed to prevent or minimize this crucial period in the country,” Atty. Bowoulo T. Kelley noted. 

According to her, their four-month activities are aimed at re-enforcing an ongoing fight against violence across the country with focus on Montserrado County.

Their one-day intensive training in the Borough of New Kru Town over the weekend was based on creating awareness to  identify the causes of violence and modes of mitigating, by  using the human rights based approach and the law.

Meanwhile, Atty. Bowoulo T. Kelley emphasizes  that their  organization will provide basic awareness and training to empower Communities Based Organizations (CBOs) and community members to continue creating awareness against violence in the county and identify community leaders who can be provided with essential knowledge on violence prevention and conflict resolution techniques.

“Acquired knowledge on how to identify early signs of violence, prevent or manage violence in their community. Strengthen knowledge on how to intervene in conflict situations and become peace ambassadors in their communities. Obtain knowledge on how to detect signs of violence and methods of resolution,” she added.

The APHURG boss further stated that their    expectation  is to  increase awareness on the danger of electoral violence,  violence against women in elections and inclusive political participation.

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