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 By Joseph  Tumbey 

The Members of the National  Patriotic Party   have rejected  and denounced  any attempt to have former Chairman  James Biney impose on the partisans as Chairman,  as doing  so will  be unconstitutional  and undemocratic  against  the expressed  will of the partisans. 

Speaking  at their  media conference   during  the week at their Congo town headquarters,  the  the Counties  Chairperson of the Party, Mr. Wayfa  F.  Caipha  said, even though they are form part of the Coalition  but  their party  remains  an Independent  institution  in terms of  applying  the party mandate.

According  to him,  they stand by the decision  taken at their  7th  biennial convention that  elected new leadership that replaces   the Maryland  County Senator,  James Biney Leadership. 

“The County Chairpersons believe that the mediation effort is in  good faith and will afford members ot the committee the opportunity to hear from all sides  and gather factual evidence to inform its Judgment in presenting the facts and circumstances surrounding the manner and form the NPP 7th biennial convention was conducted”, Mr. Wayfa  F.  Caipha  acknowledged. 

He said,  they have pleading with  the Standard bearer  of their Coalition,   President George  Weah to allow  them  prevail  on the decision  made during thier  just ended  Convention as they are prepare to work  hard  to secure  Weah re-election. 

The County Chairpersons say, they will oppose to any formulas in resolving the current impasse within the party outside of democratic tenant.

He  maintain that, Only a possible re-conduct of the 7h biennial convention in keeping with the  Constitution of the party to ensure the partisans chose leaders of their choice will be accepted.

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