New Mobile Tech Platform Launched In Liberia


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ADNews- Monrovia: The Government of Liberia and its development partners in the private sector have launched the Mobex Africa Tech Innovations Conference and Awards scheduled for August at the Ministerial Complex in Congo-Town, a suburb of Monrovia.

The “Development Oriented Consulting”, DoC is collaborating with Mobex Africa, one of the continent’s innovations Tech institutions established in Accra-Ghana nearly a decade ago. 

Speaking at the launch of Mobex Africa Tech Innovation Conference and Awards in Central Monrovia Tuesday, the Lead Consultant of DoC-Africa, Joseph Boakai, Jr. speaking in a video said, technological innovations are not only disrupting or transforming the society but present new opportunities to address some of the major challenges confronting the continent.

Joseph Boakai Junior alias JoJo named famine and hunger, unemployment, governance, inclusive growth, climate changes as factors affecting Africa while disclosing that Mobex Africa Tech Innovation Conference and Awards provides a unique platforms for technologists, innovators, captains of industries, policy makers and regulators to come together to share knowledge on how technology can positively impact the Liberian society.

According to him, the three day event which runs from August 20-22 will serve as a medium for peers networking, interactive workshops for those driving the future of technology in Liberia.

For his part, the Chief Executive Officer of Mobex Africa Tech Innovation Conference and Awards, George Spencer-Quaye in an interview with Journalists said the program intends to encourage African governments and private sector to adopt technological innovative solutions to tackle the challenges facing the continent.  

He believes that the only way Africa can arise and take its rightful place among the comity of Nations is to solve its own problem, adding that only Africans can solve the problem of Africa with technological innovations being the key driving force.

The Program brought together Stakeholders from Government’s Ministries and Agencies, LoneStar Cell MTN, GT-Banks among others who made several remarks, expressing their support to the initiative which is aimed at putting Liberia on pad with other countries on the Continent.

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