LEON Highlights  Election Reports


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Calls On NEC  for Better Improvement 

The Liberia Election Observation Network (LEON) situation report for voting , closing of polls and counting during the 2023 Presidential run-off election is calling  on the National  Elections Commission  (NEC),  to improve its training methods and put the best mechanism in place to avoid  mistakes  made during the  recent  election in the future. 

LEON’S observers disclosed that approximately 8.9%  of polling  places observed, individuals were allowed  to vote without  a valid voter card, people were seen campaigning at the  polling  places during voting  in approximately  5.8%  of polling  places observed.

Given an overview of the process, they maintained that  the November 10  electoral activities  across the country were   “very good” at approximately 74.7% or “good” at approximately 23.6% with a combined assessment of approximately 98.3%  considering the process as good or very good.

The observers’ assessments  show an increase  from the 66.2% “very good” but slight decrease  from the 29.9%  “good” for a combined increase from the assessment of 96% during the October 10th election. 

LEON calls on NEC to continue performing its professional duties efficiently and effectively during the results tabulation process.

 Also, it’s  calling  on all political parties and stakeholders to be patient and respect the electoral process to maintain a genuine, credible, transparent, safe, and inclusive second round of the 2023 presidential election in Liberia. 

Incidents Reported  Western Region   

 In Montserrado County, Electoral District No. 4 (polling precinct No. 30111, polling place No. 2),  a Short Term Observer (STO) observed that a press agent from the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs, and Tourism, over objection from the Presiding Officer, forced his way into the polling place to video record proceedings. This led to a delay in voting for about 10 minutes. 

In Montserrado County, Electoral District No. 4 (polling precinct No. 30125 (Stronger Hope School), polling place No. 6), controversy sparked over a ballot paper that was “found” on the floor and the Presiding Officer (PO) assigned it as “discarded.” The assigned CDC agent requested that the ballot paper be placed in the ballot box. The PO refused. This caused serious tension and delayed the counting process for 15 minutes. The PO later gave the agent a complaint form to file his complaint. 

 In Montserrado County, Electoral District No. 5 (polling precinct No. 30246), on the AB. Tolbert Road, a CEDEM observer, was seen removing voters from the queue and giving them observer tags to observe the election. CDC agents protested this behavior. The “observers” left for other polling places. 

 In Montserrado County, Electoral District No. 4 (precinct No. 30117 (Sammy M. Dukuly, Soul Clinic), polling place No. 1), an STO observed that a polling place staff member voted without a voter card. When he was questioned by other NEC staff, the official told them that he misplaced his card. This brought tension into the polling center. 

Social Media Monitoring 

Since November 14th, our

Given analysis on more than 50 political elites  and influencers  on  social media  platforms since November 14,  375 posts were scrutinized  with 86 posts successfully coded  for more detailed analysis. 

The dedicated team has analyzed the social media engagement of more than 50 political elites and influencers across prominent platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitter. LEON scrutinized 375 posts during this period, with 86 posts successfully coded for more detailed analysis.  

This report outlines key findings, categorizing posts into positive and negative sentiments, highlighting specific themes, and recommending future actions. 

Sentiment Analysis 

Positive Posts: 50 posts (58%) 

Negative Posts: 36 posts (42%) 

These data points were captured from key political actors, influencers, elected officials, political parties, and media using the Junkipedia platform. Themes and Topics 

* Discrediting NEC: 12 posts (14%) 

*  Supporting NEC: 8 posts (9%) 

*Discrediting Electoral Process: 17 posts (20%) 

* Preliminary Election Results: 7 posts (8%) 

* Discrediting Political Parties: 12 posts (14%) 

* Electoral Irregularities: 12 posts (14%) 

* Offensive Speech: 8 posts (9%) 

 *Misinformation and False Narrative: 10 posts (12%) 

This preliminary analysis provides insights into the social media landscape of political elites and influencers. While positive sentiments outweigh negative sentiments, specific themes such as discrediting electoral processes and spreading misinformation require careful attention. By implementing the recommended actions, we aim to foster a more informed and constructive online environment, particularly during critical periods such as elections. 

However, LEON congratulates Liberians on the peaceful exercise of their Constitutional right to vote and participate in democratic practices. 

The Liberia Elections Observation Network  concluded that following the end of the presidential runoff election, it will issue a preliminary statement and then a final report on the conduct of elections that includes findings on the overall integrity and quality of the 2023 electoral cycle. 

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