Press release.                                                                                                            

H.E. Michael McCarthy

U.S. Ambassador to the

Republic of Liberia

502 Benson Street 

Monrovia, Liberia

November 29, 2022

Dear Ambassador McCarthy,

On behalf of Justice Forum LIBERIA, and the people of Liberia, I present compliments of my highest esteem with our prayers and hope that this communication will meet you in excellent health as you ably continue to represent the government and the people of the United States of America in the quest of continuing to maintain the family relationship between your country and us, the people of Liberia. 

As Justice Forum LIBERIA is an advocacy for social justice organization in Liberia and standing up against bad governance, corruption and all vices that can denial the majority the right to education, access to healthcare, we do like to once again express our thanks and appreciation through you to the U.S. government for listening to our calls regarding the fight against corruption in Liberia. 

About six months ago, we wrote to you complaining about the organization, Union of Liberian Organization in the Americas (ULAA) a registered charity in the United States of America and the sanctioned and former Minister of State, Mr. Nathaniel McGill. Please see the attached letter.

Ambassador, we write to register our concerns to you and your government regarding the ongoing projects in the country by two lawmakers including Senator Saah H. Joseph and Representative Thomas Fallah both of Montserrado County. Since 2021, we have been engaging the both individuals seeking information regarding their construction projects of which one is putting up a huge building as a university and a Polytechnic school. We are concerned about the source of their project’s money especially given that each of them has only been in power for such a short period of time to put up such huge buildings. As we write this letter, none of them has responded to our enquiry, but we only see them posting on social media that it is a “Pro-Poor” agenda support projects. Up to now they are yet to tell us if these institutions are for the government or they own them privately. 

Giving the fact that on so many occasions we have been seeing acts of corruption in Liberia including the printing of billion of dollars but the money isn’t seen on the Liberian market, government officials being sanctioned because of corruption, coupled with actions being taken against government officials by the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission, we are of the strongest conviction that these two government officials projects are of their private own and not of government. 

In this regard, we are kindly asking you and your government to assist in knowing the sources of their projects finances.    

Thanks to you and your government for your continual efforts in helping Liberia.

Yours, sincerely  

Maxson Kpakio

Executive Director

Justice Forum LIBERIA

Tel: +231(0)775-370-665/+44(0)7475-378-999/+231(0)777-819-982

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