Government Students stage protest 


2 Mins Read

By Joseph Tumbey 

Afric Daily Newspaper- Monrovia;The students of the Monrovia Vocational Training Center MVTC  stage a  daylong protest  due to lack of instructors and decent working environment at their Japan Freeway Monrovia campus. 

The MVTC students  staged their protest on Monday January 23,  2023  promising  to continue if the appropriate mentions are not  taken to rescue  them from their present learning status.

Speaking on  behalf of the aggrieved students,  Student  T. Gabriel  Newton Sr. said their instructors have abandoned classes close to a month due to no salary while the entire trade shops within  their Facility are lacking  practical materials. 

“We are paying 20,000.00 Liberian Dollars for one year and six months,   absolutely no technical equipment  and to Instructors on campus  to conduct   practical training. 

We  are here to learn  industrialized skills but  with no equipment or tructors, at the end of the day  what we have to  prove out there compared  to our foreign  counterparts”, the aggrieved students explained .

However, the Youth and Sports Deputy  Minister for TVET,Mr.   Petee Bemah called for calm and promised  them to settle their grievances  within one week.

According to him, they will work closely with the MVTC  authority  to make  sure the instructors are paid and return  to work sooner.

Speaking   on the nonfunctional  trade shops within the facility,  Minister Bemah said the entire  tradeshops within the Vocational Schools across the Country are temporarily in use.

“We are putting things in place sooner or later to have our tradeshops  equipped  to create a quality learning environment for our students’ ‘, the Deputy Minister  for TVET asserted. 

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