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The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Labour has distributed One Thousand-five (1500) copies of the Labour Law of Liberia (Decent Work Act of 2015) to three legal institutions in Liberia.
The Lewis Arthur Grime Law School at the University of Liberia, the Judiciary Institute at the Temple of Justice, and the Liberia National Bar Association with each receiving five hundred (500) copies of the pocket side Law Book.
Making the presentations on Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at the venue, Labour Minister, Cllr. Charles H. Gibson said that the Ministry of Labour targets to ensure that workers rights are protected and promoted and as such, is working to ensure that all lawyers and law students can have a copy of the Labour Law of Liberia.
“Workers and employers are always in disputes; just as marriages sometimes run into disputes. Is a relationship that is guarded by law and regulations. The Ministry of Labour hopes that by sharing copies of the Labour law to these institutions and with lawyers visiting them, the standards of Labour practices will be strengthen” Min. Gibson indicated.
Minister Gibson said the presentation will help workers across the country to have greater access to judicial review of their complaints as they are the weaker vessel when it comes to adjudication of Labour cases.
At the Lewis Arthur Grime Law School, the Labour Minister indicated to the Dean of student in ensuring that all students at the school receive a copy of the booklet stressing the importance in studying the law.
In remarks at the Judiciary and the Liberia Bar Association, Minister Gibson said his Ministry hopes that the donation will serve as a boost in empowering lawyers so that they can better represent workers and employers in the adjudication of Labour disputes, noting that the Labour Law provides for social dialogue and not just judicial.
“The Ministry hopes that lawyers in the pursuit of Labour matters will take advantage of both sides of the law because many times Labour matters are resolved through social dialogue faster and with less cost than judicial proceedings” he said.
Minister Gibson acknowledged that workers right are being largely violated because, workers are the weaker vessel in the employment contract arrangement and hopes that the empowering lawyers will give them more encouragement as well as improve their capacity to represent workers and their employers noting that in the absence of employers, there will be no employment and when there is no employment, there will be no workers.
In separate remarks, the Court Administrator of the Supreme Court of Liberia, Madam Elizabeth B. Nelson hailed the Ministry of Labour for the donation adding that the court has received several donations from partners and donors, but from a Ministry of Government is amazing.
She assured the Labour Minister that the books will be managed by the judiciary in the way that every lawyer will have access to them.
Also speaking on behalf of the Liberia National Bar Association, the President of the association, Cllr. Sylvester Rennie lauded the Government of Liberia for providing additional resource materials to the lawyers of Liberia.
According to him, Liberian Lawyers most often find it difficult in obtaining resource materials that can easily help them while peeling cases for their clients.
He said the labor law is very important in the Liberian society because it protects the rights of the Liberian employees and their employers, and as such, practicing lawyers must know it in detail to guide them while on a case like labor matter.

Cllr. Rennie also said, only lawyer whose met the benchmark and are licensed will obtain or receive a copy of the labor law known as the Decent Work Act of 2015.
At the same time, the Dean of the Lewis Arthur Grime School of Law at the University of Liberia, Cllr. Jallah Barbu thanked Cllr. Gibson for seeing the need to donate five hundred copies of the labor law book that will enable the students to know more about the labor law of Liberia.
According to him, the Decent Work Act of 2015 reached them at the right time and will and will be used for the purpose intended.
He also said the book will help to straighten the learning program at the school.
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