DEAWA Concludes Awareness on Drug Abuse


The Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency Women Association (DEAWA) concludes three days of intensive drug abuse awareness and sensitization campaigns in Monrovia in an effort to buttress the LDEA’s commitment to ensuring the government’s hundred days deliverables under which, the institution places priority on Prevention, Trauma and Psychosocial Counseling, Evidence Based Data Collection on Persons with substance used disorder (SUD), Strategic Partnership and Enforcement of the nation’s drug law.

As part of the exercise, the LDEA women were seen touring parts of Sinkor and Old Road communities in an effort to reach out to Market Centers, Schools, Faith Based institutions and public gatherings. The group visited the Mildred Taylor Elementary, Junior & Senior High School on 12th Street Sinkor, The Fiamah Market, The Salvation Army – Len Millar High School on 24th Street and the Old Road Market as part of their campaign tour. 

In their message to the marketeers and students of the Mildred Taylor and Len Millar High Schools, the group cautioned parents and students about the danger of drug abuse in our society and the consequences it has on our future, and the potentials of our younger generation. The group encouraged parents not to abandon their children to the peer circle as it is perceived to be one of the leading factors responsible for addiction and abuse among the younger generation.

In separate comments from both the marketeers, administration and students of these institutions, the LDEA Women were praised for the move and were further encouraged to extend the initiative in communities, schools and religious institutions across the country. “If you guys had started this long ago, a lot of our children who are on drugs today wouldn’t have gotten  involved”,  said the marketeers! 

In response to the students and marketeers, the group vows to continue the initiative which they termed as national and patriotic duty despite the challenges and limited resources available. According to the President of (DEAWA) Special Agent Sonnie Deddeh-Forkpah, they will keep engaging with the LDEA administration to help solicit the needed support that will enable the group to extend the exercise across Montserrado and its environs. 

“It is a difficult task, especially without transportation, water, printed materials and voice enhancement, like mega phones and PA systems to extend our voices during the exercise,” madam Forkpah noted. Meanwhile, the group is calling on philanthropists and foreign partners to rally support towards the initiative to enable them to extend the move in other parts of the country. They are appealing for support in food supply, sanitary materials, clothing, medication and other basic needs.

As part of the exercise, they will be visiting ghettos and prisons facilities to conscientise drug users and inmates about the danger of drug abuse. They will also use the moment to provide some sanitary and personal materials  to inmates and disadvantaged youths following the engagement.

The Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency Women Association (DEAWA) is a structure of all female Law Enforcement Officers within the LDEA, established to promote and foster women solidarity, coordination, capacity building, mentorship and access to equal opportunity. 

DEAWA has been existing for more than a decade with a strong membership record with the Liberia Females Law Enforcement Association (LIFLEA), an umbrella Law Enforcement organization that promotes women participation in national security.

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