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Information obtained from the Capitol Building is saying that the Deputy Speaker, J. Fonati Koffa, a one term US convict who served his jail sentence before Coming to join Liberian politics is allegedly mobilizing his colleagues Lawmakers to remove his Boss, Speaker Bhofal Chamber and replace him.
According to the information filtering in corridor of the Capitol, the Grand Kru County district #2 lawmaker who is also the Deputy Speaker of the 54th Legislature embarked on a serious political campaign to declare a vote of non confidence against House Speaker, Bhobal Chambers.
Our impeccable source who pleaded anonymity for fear of reprisals alleged that an international Company only identified as LISCR is the full financial sponsor behind the syndicate.
“He had a meeting this Morning,Wednesday May 17 with several lawmakers at his 9th street law office promising an unspecified amount of cash to execute his mission” the Source narrated.
When contacted him through his WhatsApp and regular Contact Number, he responded that we can publish any information we have in our possession and said, he cares less about what ever said against his reputation and nobody can do anything to him.
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