Citizens Initiative for Dialogue Holds Awareness on Revenue Sharing Act


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Citizens’ Initiative for Dialogue (CID), a pro-democracy and human rights organization is encouraging citizens of Gbarpolu, Grand Bassa and Margibi Counties to take keen interest in the Revenue Sharing Act of 2022, as it serves as a pillar for the successful implementation of the Local Government Act of 2018.  

Speaking at the end of phase 1 of the project “Enhancing Citizens Understanding of the Revenue Sharing Act through Civic Engagement” which covers 3 districts in each of the counties, CID Executive Director, K. Boboh Kollie admonished stakeholders and citizens of the counties that the LGA 2018 is filled with enormous benefits for the counties if citizens take keen interest in the act and constructively engage their local authorities.

The project which is being funded by the United Nations Development Programme and being implemented in five Counties Bomi, Gbarpolu, Grand Bassa, Grand Cape Mount and Margibi with the objective of increasing citizens’ understanding of how revenues will be generated and shared between central and local governments.

The Revenue Sharing Act is an amendment to Chapter 5 of the Public Financial Management Law (PFML) which stipulates that all revenues collected on behalf of the government of Liberia must be placed in a consolidated account for the government at the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL). The amendment then gives power to local governments to raise their own revenues and stipulates ways for sharing of Revenues collected by the central government of Liberia. 

At the different awareness sessions held by CID, participants solidly pleaded with CID to reproduce and distribute copies of the Local Government Act of 2018, the 10 Year Implementation Plan of 2020 and the Revenue Sharing Act of 2022 to enable them constantly refresh their minds on the laws and thereby serve as ambassadors in their respective communities and counties to teach other people about the laws. 

Participants also want similar awareness sessions conducted with the newly appointed local authorities for better understanding of the LGA 2018. According to the participants, the incoming officials are new and may not be aware of the law therefore such engagements will enhance their understanding of the law.

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