CEMESP, Partners Train Investigative Journalists 


The Center for Media Studies and Peace Building (CEMESP) in collaboration with Internews   conducted three days intensive refresher workshop for  twelve  investigative Journalists across the country to produce groundbreaking stories on various subjects in Liberia.


Speaking at the beginning of the workshop on Wednesday  August 9, at the ICampus   in Monrovia the CEMESP  Executive Director, Malcolm Joseph encouraged the selected fellows to take the refresher seriously and double up their efforts to professionally do their stories. 


“We charge you to double up your efforts and ensure that you provide those in-depth investigative stories,” Mr. Joseph said.

He also used the occasion to laud USAID Liberia for providing the funding. 

Also speaking, the Program Associate/Investigative Journalism Fellowship Lead, Wremongar Joe encouraged the participating fellow to invest time in their pitches so they meet the standard of the required stories. Mr. Joe said the institution is committed to aiding each Investigative Journalist, evidenced by assigning mentors to them. 


For her part, Internews-Liberia Chief of Party Lien Bach said the institutions remain committed to providing tools and support to enhance their working. 


In mid-February this year, CEMESP kickstarted USAID Liberia Media Activity (LMA) Investigative Journalism Fellowship by training and supporting 18 Journalists. The training which began in February will last for 10 months targeting 30 groundbreaking investigative  stories, focusing on public finance, financial reporting, environment, natural resources, governance, and management. 

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