Breaking News: Man Reported Kill a Pregnant woman for Mango Plum


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A  man only identified as Daniel Tokpah, in Ganta  Nimba county brutally attacked a pregnant woman, severing  her  hand and opening her stomach with   cutlass for picking a mango plum in his compound.

The incident occurred early this morning, on Sunday April 7, 2024 when the pregnant woman only identified as Jessica David who believed to be a neighbor to Tokpah used his compound route to get to the market and decided to pick a plum from Daniel’s plum tree.

According to eyewitnesses who commented during the live media podcast, they said the man in question used his cutlass to cut  the lady several times after cutting her hand off, before rushing her to Ganta United Methodist Hospital.

They are claiming that unconfirm medical report reaching them says the lady is dead upon her arrival at the hospital 

Ganta is currently a terrible scene as a group of citizens   hunting to Kill  Daniel Tokpah currently gather at the police station demanding his release to have him killed.

Amidst the turmoil,  neither the medical report nor the police report  has confirmed the victim’s   death.

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