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My Dear And Dedicated Supporters:
Dear People Of Electoral District Number Two Montserrado County:
To My Christian Brothers and Sisters in Christ I Say: Happy Lord’s Day!
To My Muslim Supporters I say:
Since I parted with my lawyer on the grounds of the Temple of Justice, I have not called him or interacted with him. I only made a public announcement of my appreciation of the dignified manner he conducted himself during the time he was representing me.
Also, in order to control things, I quickly appealed to my supporters that though I did not accept the ruling of the Supreme Court of Liberia, I advised us to put it behind us and move ahead.
I think a calm wind is blowing now so I can speak on the injustice inflicted on me by the Chief Justice and the three active Justices of the Supreme Court of Liberia on January 14, 2024.
I won the election. If I had not won a recount would have taken place.
During the arguments the Justices of the Supreme Court of Liberia scolded the National Elections Commission (NEC) of Liberia for allowing my complaint to come to the Supreme Court.
The Justices of the Supreme Court told NEC that my request was nothing complex, but a simple request for recount which could have been done within four hours, and there was no need for NEC to ask me for evidence because NEC must always appear transparent.
The Justices of the Supreme Court were surprised that NEC refused to accept the evidence that I had on the basis of not being the original copies, when NEC knew that she (NEC) had the original copies.
The Justices said that election was about determining the will of the people, so if a candidate complained, NEC needed not be straight about evidence. A mere complaint by a candidate should put NEC to work so that NEC can appear transparent.
What kind of ruling would one expect in such a case from the Justices of this Supreme Court after they made these statements?
From what the Justices said in their official chairs in the Temple of Justice at the Supreme Court of Liberia, I think the Supreme Court would say something like this:
A. The court would tell the defendant you
should have accepted the evidence that the complainant brought to defend himself.
B. You should have granted the complainant’s
request for subpoena duces tecum. You
should have brought the documents that were in your custody.
C. So that the will of the people who voted will be known and all doubts surrounding this election will go away, do the recount that the complainant asked for in the presence of the parties.
Based on what the Justices said in the Supreme Court, what they said are what I expected to be in the ruling of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Liberia.
I was surprised the ruling was like a reproduction of the ruling of the Board of Commissioners of National Elections Commission.
To my greatest shock, the Supreme Court of Liberia ruled that I had no evidence, just as the Board of Commissioners of the National Elections Commission said.
The Supreme Court said that if the recount was done, I would not win. So the Supreme Court dismissed my complaint.
Have our Justices in Our Supreme Court started practicing magic, that they know that I will not win if a recount is done?
This was unbelievable. This is unbelievable. This was baffling. This is still baffling. The People of District Number Two Montserrado County Liberia are baffled.
I trusted the Supreme Court of Liberia. I had great faith in the Supreme Court of Liberia. Unfortunately, all is gone.
The Supreme Court did not rule on my complaint that NEC rejected my evidence.
The Supreme Court of Liberia did not rule on my complaint that NEC denied my request for subpoena duces tecum.
The Supreme Court of Liberia did not rule on my complaint that NEC refused to investigate my complaint of fraud and irregularities.
The Supreme Court of Liberia went against the previous ruling of the Supreme Court of Liberia that said that the Elections Commission of Liberia is not a court, that NEC investigates in an administrative capacity as a facts finder and should not demand strict evidentiary proofs as is done in a court.
The Supreme Court did not authorize NEC to investigate my complaint of fraud and irregularities and to do a recount. Rather the Supreme Court says NEC is an institution of integrity.
I did not go to the Supreme Court to find out whether the National Elections Commission of Liberia had integrity. Even if NEC does not have integrity, what can I do?
This is why I don’t agree with the ruling of the Supreme Court of Liberia. As one who went to a school of philosophy, the ruling of the Supreme Court of Liberia on my complaint is very substandard.
The refusal of the Supreme Court of Liberia to uphold her own ruling, that the National Elections Commission’s investigations are administrative and for facts finding, will haunt the Supreme Court of Liberia.
As I write, I think it would have been better that this Supreme Court did not exist.
All my beliefs that the Supreme Court of Liberia is a place where a poor and defenseless Liberian can go and get transparent justice is gone. I have lost hope in this Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia.
Until the Chief Justice and the three active Justices of the Supreme Court are out of the Supreme Court I will not have any hope in the Supreme Court of Liberia.
I have lost hope in the Final Arbiter of my country. I hope I am alone in this hopelessness in this Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia.
We are in a mess in this our country Liberia. We have no reliable place to go for redress.
My spiritual father Rev. Fr. Edwin Njorkor, former Parish Priest of St Francis Parish, Pleebo, Maryland County, a Nigerian Roman Catholic priest, used to say:
To wash dirty clothes we need soap, and at times if it is serious, we need soap and detergent. When you have soap and
detergent you also need water. But the water is dirty, there is no need to use it to wash your dirty clothes.
This Supreme Court when she was dealing with Bishop Nimely JarboKly Donyen was not aware that she was dealing with a poor Liberian who believed that the Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia was the cleanest water in the Nation. I am sorry, all that belief is gone.
What would it have caused the Supreme Court of my country Liberia to treat me fairly?
If the Supreme Court of Liberia did not regard me as a person worthy to be in her presence, why couldn’t Our Supreme Court remember the thousands of Liberians I represented when I was before her?
My case was a political case. The injustice done to me by the Supreme Court of Liberia has hurt thousands of Liberians.
This injustice will haunt this Supreme Court of Liberia for a long time.
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