ActionAid Liberia (AAL) and Domafeign, in collaboration with Ministries, Agencies, and Commissions, have launched a three-year project titled; “Gender Equality for Climate Justice Project in Montserrado. ForumCiv funds the project, and the same project will be launched in the project counties of Bong and Gbarpolu counties between the period of 24 – 31 July 2023.
This project focuses on promoting gender equality and empowering women in the context of Climate Justice. Over the next three years, the project will equip women with knowledge, skills, resources, networks, and decision-making abilities. This will help them build resilience and counteract the negative impacts of climate change. The project is a significant milestone toward achieving a fairer and more sustainable future.
Disclaimer: This publication has been produced with the funding assistance of ForumCiv The contents of this publication are solely the responsibility of ActionAid Liberia, Domafeign, MACs, Rural Women, and Young People in Liberia. This publication’s contents do not reflect the views of ActionAid International.
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