Afric Daily Newspaper- Monrovia:The Collaborating  Civil  Society  Organizations with support from ActionAid  Climaxes 16 Days of Activism  with a Truth  Telling  Table talk engagement  among  several Stakeholders in Monrovia, while  others  are looking  forward  to Criminalize  Female Genital Mutilation  FGM.

Speaking  at their climax  event on  Thursday,  December 2022, the group said only by truth  telling or through  truth telling they can eradicate  and mitigate  Gender based violence  and climate  change  respectively.

According to them, their focus is to end Gender Base Violence, Female Genital Mutilation and mitigating climate change across the Country.

During the program, ActionAid Liberia urged every Liberian to take action to ensure massive nationwide awareness across all communities to promote prevention and response efforts addressing Sexual Gender Based Violence SGBV and other forms of violence against women, including FGM and Child Marriage.

They also encourage the public to continue the advocacy for the protection of women and girls rights in all sectors of the society through massive media engagement.

“Make your contribution to end negative and patriarchal cultural practices and beliefs. Raise your voice against harmful practices like early child marriage, harmful traditional practices that affect the rights of the girl child”, they noted

Serving as one of the Panelists, the Director of Culture at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mr. William Jallah confirmed the total closure of the Traditional Schools activities including Poro and Sande schools across the Country.

According  to him,  his Internal  Affairs Ministry has created a  Gender Bureau  to protect  Women  from FGM among  other  gender based violence.

Meanwhile, the western  Regional  Coordinator  of the  National Civil Society Council, Mr. Lincoln  Johnson is calling on the stakeholders to make FGM a Criminal offense follow by a  drastic  measures  as the only way to end the Female  Genital Mutilation  FGM in Liberia.

“He call for the development of role map to report all the FGM cases and Criminalize FGM in Liberia”, Mr.  Johnson noted.

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