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By Joseph Tumbey
Ahead of the pending October 10, presidential and Legislative elections, the opposition Unity Party Candidate, Joseph Nyumah Boakai has received huge endorsement from 337 axillaries across the country.
The axillaries which endorse Baokai presidency include: Disenchanted CDcians , Boakai intelligent network, Basketballers in support of Baokia Among others.
The endorsement program took place at the Jacob Town field on Saturday September 9, 2023 in Paynesville outside Monrovia.
Speaking with some of the axillary heads, they said, they believe in Baokai leadership and he is the only candidate that has the ability to rescue the nation.
According to one of the heads,
Nyumah bundor, Baokia will rescue Liberia from crimes, corruption and injustice and return the country to rules and orders like any democratic state on the globe.
Meanwhile, the head of the Campaigner for Boakai presidency, Henry Vincent vows to give Baokai one run victory in the upcoming October elections.
He emphasized that it’s glaring that his political leader will unseat the incumbent, Weah on many accounts.
According to him, the suffering has increased under the Weah regime making many jobless as many can no longer afford to provide for their families needs.
“Many young people have been involved in drug habits due to uncontrollably importation of drugs in the country under the watch of President Weah, and the only option we have is to replace him with Boaki who is knowledgeable of better leadership,” Vincent emphasized.
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