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4 Mins Read

By Joseph Tumbey 

ADNews- Monrovia: Family  members of the late  Domowa Saah who checked in the Medicare Clinic  on friday February 17 and died  few hours later accused  the clinic  for  misapplication of  medical treatment  that lead to  their Sister’s death, but the Clinic  owner, Dr. Robert Momo Kpoto  refused to take  the responsibility until the investigation could be  conducted and concluded. 

The Family source  narrated  that Domowa showed no sign of illness  when she left  her Gobachop business  Center, went to the clinic  to cater for her oldest  sister Dedeh Sonii 

who was undergoing treatment  at the facility.

“Domowa  took me to the Clinic  because  I was not too well,  she was not sick, and never showed  any sign of sickness.  While she  was waiting  for me  she asked   one of the health workers to check her pressure, the health worker  said her pressure  was up  a bit to 150pb and said she  needed something to stabilize  the pressure  but the  head Nurse  decided  to administer  chloramphenicol,   we later noticed  that the treatment was seriously reacting on her, called on the heath  workers  if they can use another injection  to stabilize  her condition  but paid no attention, the head Nurse madam Fatmata said I was escalating the situation. 

My sister  died  at the Clinic unknown  to us, all we thought she  was  in common.  We rushed her to ELWA Hospital but the people refused us because of her condition and later took Domowa to the SOS clinic  and they said she was dead, my sister was not sick! She took me to the hospital for treatment  after administering the  chloramphenicol on her. In less than an hour  she was dead, my people”,  Sister of the late Domowa, “Dedeh Sonii” explained in tears. 

Deddeh said,  they have lived in the Gobachop community over the past 20 years but never   knew  there was a Clinic  around  them called Medicare  which is believed to have been existing for over eight years. 

According  to her , a family  member by the name of Satta recommended the Medicare Clinic to them and said it’s one of  Med link  clinic branches and  they treat well but while making their first attempt,  they lost their  sister  mysteriously. 

“I receivedย  a callย  from the headย  Nurse , Ms. Fatmataย  Bayor thatย  same day, she told me that my sister Domowa wentย  forย  treatment but the medication reactedย  to her and she wanted to know herย  whereaboutsย  so she could reach them.

I got confused, placed a call to the house, getting  the shocking news that she was dead oooh.

I have been taking treatment from Med link on Randall street when I was living on  Ashmun street, Central  Monrovia.  So when I came here  in 2014 I decided  to continue with their branch here too but I don’t  no ooh”, Satta narrated in tears. 

Madam  Fatmata Bayor  claims not to comment on the issue until she can get the go ahead from the Clinic owner  Dr. Robert  Momo Kpoto, when contacted. 

Speaking to Dr. Kpoto via  phone on Saturday  February 25,  he  said they have ordered the Liberia  Medical Council  to launch  an investigation  into the matter  and until the investigation is conducted   and concluded he won’t respond  to the matter or take any  responsibility  on behalf of his Clinic. 

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